Sunday, September 9, 2018

More Maine and Joining Our Tour...Lessons Learned

*National Parks are such a treasure and Arcadia Park is no exception. Grand beauty and vistas and nice surprises like Thunder Hold where the crashing wave into the hole delivers all the thrill of sound and water spray. Why is getting wet so much fun? It is always a surprise when it happens and yet we go there because we know it will happen. But like the axe man jumping out of the closet in a movie (we know he will yet we jump) the water crashes into the hole and we are still surprised when the water leaps out of the hole and spays us.

*Cadillac Mountain tip puts the world at your feet, beautiful views of sea and islands just like on the postcards.

*Fantasy RV Tours: Meeting up with 24 other RVs to start a new type of adventure with a “caravan tour” begins the process of forming community with rules and common goals:
+Rule: No Bad Days
+Rule:It is your vacation so personalize with side trips as you want
+Rule:Be at the assigned campground or let the Wagon Master know your other plans.
+Goal: Travel safe
+Goal: Share experiences and create memories.

*Group whole lobster dinner with others on the tour always makes for fun times as those who have never seen a whole lobster on their plate are a bit taken back by it “staring” at them. But soon enough those who know show those who do not know and the crackers are fast at work. There are of course those that just cannot, so they have alternative meal. I like those that have the alternative meal because it means their lobster is available…thank you Charlotte.

*A trip mascot (a stuffed lobster) was presented to the group and each couple was to host it for a day and enter into a diary the experiences of the mascot. We jumped on being first (let’s just get it out of the way). It was named Claude or Clawed depending on if you wanted him to be French Canadian or a Maine Rapper…we went with French Canadian.

*WE GET A DOG…ok so it is a black wooden lab dog sitting nicely  with a cute bandana around his neck we have named Band short for Bandana, but hey most everyone in our group has a dog or two or three and are out walking them, or making plans to have them walked if needed because we have several days with full day bus tours. We have a nice dog that needs no walking and funny as it is as when those other dogs are out walking they stop and look at Band and some have even barked at him. So far none have “marked” him. Then one morning we notice someone has put a leash on him? A nice like bike red bike wire with lobster clamps on either end and put around Band and the picnic table…well after all there are lease rules in the RV park, never did find out who did this nice touch.

Bar Harbor, Maine is a busy tourist town with shops, restaurants and the usual issue of too many cars and not enough parking. To solve this their is a nice lot outside town with a shuttle bus every 15 minutes to the downtown area. While so many wonderful small towns are fun to visit and offer nice ambiance they all have the small streets with too many cars and no parking syndrome. At least Bar Harbor is trying to find solutions.

More lessons later, off to eat more lobster…travel safe as school kids are now on the road.

Thunder Hole

Welcome dinner with tour group
Claude is on the road

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