Friday, March 22, 2019

2019 The Rectangle Gets Ready to Travel

It is 2019 which means it is time to get The Rectangle ready for a new season of road tripping. Our 2015 Newmar Canyon Star (wow has it already been 3 years for The Rectangle?). Yes and so to get ready there is always the maintenance of which David is a stickler for. Houses can sometimes be called "money pits" but The Rectangle is more a "money puddle" where jumping in can get you wet but you will not drown. Into the shop it went and since we got two new front tires during our Canada trip last year at least tires are not on the list. The list is get the air/heat pumps serviced and cleaned; reseal around the skylight and other things on the roof, get a new couch and the driver and passenger seats recovered (at least this is no cost because covered under warranty). The cost was a puddle, but it will keep The Rectangle in great shape for the travel year.

Our first trip out was to the Hill Country city of Evant, Texas. We stayed in the Buena Vista Wildlife Safari RV Park... This is the story we heard: (have no idea if it is true or not?)  this a ranch that has exotic animals that a wealthy oil person used for hunting of them with his wealthy friends. As will happen hard times came and he had to sell the ranch and animals which for the animals was a good thing as the new owner did not want to hunt them. The ranch is now a sanctuary for the exotics and one can pay to drive thru and see them. As far as new RV parks is it good, even with the road noise that after the second night we are pretty used to. Everyday the feed truck goes out and you can follow it to see all the animals really up close and personal.  This link will give you all the info on the park and the animals.

Evant was small but with several places to eat.  Hamilton down the road had good Chinese. now the story here is interesting as the locals say there was a couple running the restaurant and they went back to China and another couple returned from China with the same name and is running the restaurant or something like that? Whatever the story, the food was great. The winery in Hamilton is a delight and should you be in the area worth the visit.  link: Red Wing Dove Winery

Next adventure soon...until then The Rectangle will get a bath and polish and staple goods restocked for the season. 

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